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I spent my childhood in Queens, New York and most of my adult life in the Bay Area of California. Now I’ve entered a third phase where my family and I have relocated to London, England. I call this Chapter Three and this blog chronicles our new experiences and impressions.

This isn’t a business or personal blog. It’s one bag of everything including my experiences and opinions. I care about food, culture, getting outside, sports, politics and technology.

I like to ski.  For me there are two seasons – ski season and the other season in which I get prepared for ski season.  99% of my ski experience is in North America.  Now that we reside in London, the balance will start tipping in favor of European skiing in the Alps.

Business Shpiel 

I am an advisor and I’m able to improve execution in all phases of Engineering and Product Management.  I build and manage great teams.  Define, develop and ship ground-breaking products.

Fully versed in Agile, DevOps, Microservices, startup culture and Fortune 100.  Outstanding communicator.  Especially strong at bridging technology and functionality to markets and users.  Understands investor due diligence and valuation across many stages.  Primary experience is Silicon Valley, complemented with successful experience in major geographies.  Founded two companies, multiple successful exits.

My recent experience includes mobile cameras, computer vision, consumer electronics, Internet of Things, cloud/social media.

In 2016 I relocated with my family from Silicon Valley to London, England.  This is a new chapter in my career.  I’m going back to my roots as a consultant, building on my management and engineering experience with small and large companies in diverse markets.

Where to find out more

For business, please find me on LinkedIn. I also publish articles on Medium.  For personal, FaceBook works best. I like to post photos on Instagram and Google Photos.