After a weekend of Rugby, beer and meals out, I spent most of today trying to really understand Virtual Mobile Infrastructure (VMI). It’s presumably the next wave following Enterprise Mobile Management (EMM). If you have some knowledge and/or opinions on this subject, I’m all ears. Well maybe not, but I will listen.
Back in California, I had a friend who was fond of saying, “Fifty miles East of here, nobody gives a shit about any of this.” I have a feeling he’s reading this post. Okay so that’s stipulated and we both moved East thousands of miles. We need a new mantra.

Saturday, Harry and I went to see England v Argentina at Twickenham Stadium. Last night, I dropped in on Sophie and Emma with 5 of their cousins at the Hillgate Pub in Notting Hill. So nice to see the younger generation getting together. Makes me feel old too.
My Niece Julia was visiting from outside the UK. We both agreed that Scrum will always be something you do when developing apps or web sites. Not a formation in a game on a field with mighty guys playing.
Multiple digressions here. The rugby experience was awesome. It’s about a 30-minute walk from home. Within 3 minutes we reached the White Swan – the local Boozer – and from that point we were walking in an ever-increasing swarm of good-natured fans.
The walk took us across Richmond Road, past the Twickenham train station and on toward the stadium. Thousands of fans, at least 25 pubs along the way, much beer consumed. And varied food stands everywhere. Some people even set up food stands in their front gardens.
Probably shouldn’t admit this: I read the Rugby for Dummies Cheat Sheet before the game. It was enough to understand the basic flow of the game. No way to understand the nuances of all the proper moves and penalties, etc. but I’m told that comes later. Several English friends have confessed the same level of knowledge on American Football, so that’s good.
Lots of fun watching the game. Everyone drinking beer, everyone very good natured. There were quite a few Argentina fans nearby and nobody bothered them. England clearly has the superior team. They quickly took a 9-0 lead despite losing Elliot Daly to a red card violation. When an Argentina player made a similar infraction later – but was not penalized – there was much booing, but nothing more.

The sun set at 4:00 PM and the match was over by 4:45 PM. The walk home took much longer but we honestly didn’t care. So many people went right back to the pubs after the game. We ventured into the White Swan but it was already raucous. Instead we continued home Alice’s great cooking and a couple of hours watching the BBC. Included Strictly Come Dancing but that’s another story for another time.
Footnote: Alice’s sister Kath and her husband Phil Simmons just finished renovating The Station House in Haselmere. Tremendous amount of hard work with wonderful outcome. A welcoming hotel and pub with an inviting atmosphere across the road from the Haselmere train station. Upham Punter on tap.
Glad you’re settling into London life so well Peter. Loved the cousins pub sesh yesterday and great to have a few beers with you over the last couple of week. Here’s to many more! Enjoying your posts and thanks for mentioning Mum and Dads work on the station house as well! – Luke x