My ride in Richmond
My ride in Richmond

Winter is approaching and the days are getting quite short here at 51.47° North latitude.  A little less than 8 hours between sunrise and sunset yesterday.  That said, yesterday was SUNNY!  Recently someone told me that in London you should always carry sunglasses and an umbrella.

Late yesterday morning it became clear that I wasn’t needed – or even welcome – in the kitchen.  All sorts of delicious things were being prepared.  So, I got on my bike, as in on yer bike mate!

My route – thanks to – is depicted here.  Feel free to click for a larger version.  About 13.25 miles, not very much vertical and plenty of muddy, sandy, leaf-covered dirt track.  Richmond Park is a truly special place.  Deer roam freely there, almost hardly ever molested.

After the circuit in the park, my route took me down Richmond Hill.  There’s a house we recently viewed on Ellerker Gardens with a back entrance on Montague Road.  The garage door opens directly onto the downhill slope.  With a sufficiently powerful remote, one could return from bike rides at this house and roll directly into the garage.  Kinda like the entrance to the Batcave.

First Mince Pies 2016
First Mince Pies 2016

George Road in Richmond was massively crowded with holiday shoppers.  It’s always great to cycle past Richmond, get on the footpath along the north bank of the River Thames and retreat to Twickenham Riverside.  It gets quiet very fast and one appreciates being away from the crowds.  Back home and into the warm house.

My absence from the kitchen was well-rewarded.  Clementine and chocolate swirl mini cakes and the first mince pies of the season.  We brought a small batch down to Harry while he’s studying for final exams.  Dinner included Cumberland sausages, parsnip mash and roasted Brussels sprouts.  Feeling fine.  Thank you Alice!

A December ride